Brochure for Broadbent CL/CLX range of batch centrifuges
Provides details of the CL and CLX range of batch centrifuges. Capacities are 1400, 1800 & 2300 kG of massecuite per charge with either a Broadbent drive motor or an industry standard totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) motor. All models provide excellent sugar recoveries, innovative controls and good stability when processing difficult massecuites.
Brochure for Broadbent C range of batch centrifuges & SPV range of continuous centrifuges.
Ths brochure includes details of: (i) The ‘C’ range of batch centrifuges with capacities from 850 to 2100 kG per cycle. (ii) The SPV range of continuous centrifuges (15 to 48 tonnes of massecuite per hour) and (iii) The Broadbent high grade continuous centrifuge (SPVH1100). All provide excellent process performance and long-term reliable operation.
Inspection of sugar centrifuge baskets
Broadbent Sugar Engineering Team. Nov 1997. (402KB). This information sheet gives guidance on basket inspection. For safe and reliable operation baskets must be inspected at intervals not exceeding 12 months of operation. The inspection procedure involves visual examination, crack detection and dimensional checks. A basket inspection record form is included in the information sheet.
Observations on Centrifugal Operation – Part 1
G.C.Grimwood, M.J.Thewlis, P.D.Thompson. International Sugar Journal. 2002. Vol. 104, No 1248. (326k). Abstract: Aspects of centrifugals are considered in terms of reducing the operating costs and improving the safety of centrifugals within the sugar factory. Some common misconceptions on the use of centrifuges are also discussed. Topics considered include washing, discharging, power consumption, and basket maintenance. It is intended that the information provided will be of help to users wishing to improve operation of their existing centrifugals and assist when selecting new centrifugals.
Observations on CentrifugaL Operation – Part 2
G.C.Grimwood, M.J.Thewlis, P.D.Thompson. International Sugar Journal. 2003. Vol. 105, No 1253. (931KB). Abstract : Aspects of centrifugals operation, performance and installation are considered in terms of improving process performance and reducing operating costs within the sugar factory. Topics considered include screens, massecuite crystal size, energy requirements and the structural support for a centrifugal. Some common misconceptions relating to centrifuges are discussed. It is intended that the information provided will be of help to users wishing to improve operation of their existing centrifugals and assist when selecting new centrifugals.
Program to assist with balancing centrifuges
The Broadbent Engineering Group have produced a software tool to assist the balancing of rotating equipment (e.g. centrifuges). This program (376kb), conditions of use and user guide can be down loaded here by clicking the link above. Please read the conditions of use carefully before using the program. The download file contains both the program and the user guide in zipped format. The program is designed for use with MS Windows XP and 2000.
Safety Aspects of Centrifuges
G.C.Grimwood. Filtration Separation Centrifuge Seminar Nov-2001 Manchester. (161KB). Paper Abstract: Aspects of the safety of centrifuges used in the process industries are discussed taking the widely used batch centrifuge as an example. Three aspects of safety are reviewed, firstly the recent BS standard and CE certification, secondly control systems and finally basket design and inspection. The purpose of the review is to illustrate both good practice and some common pitfalls rather than give a definitive overview. Whilst the discussion refers to batch centrifuges many of the comments applies to other centrifugal types. Revised Dec-03.
Solving vibration problems in batch sugar centrifuges
Broadbent Sugar Engineering Team. June 2001. (72KB). This information sheet gives guidance on identifying and correcting out of balance and vibration problems in pendulum suspended batch centrifuges. An understanding of the types of vibration and instability that can occur and the reasons for them will help in solving problems.
Solving vibration problems in batch sugar centrifuges (Spanish)
Broadbent Sugar Engineering Team. June 2001. (96KB). Esta Hoja de Infomacion sirve de guia para identificar y corregir problemas de desequilibrio y vibracion en las centrifugas discontinuas de azucar de suspension pendular. La comprension de los tipos de vibracion e inestablilidad que puede ocurrir y las razones de ello le ayudara a resolver los problemas.
Support structures for batch centrifugals
Broadbent Sugar Engineering Team. Jan 1996. (56KB). This information sheet describes the general requirements for designing support structures for Broadbent batch sugar centrifugals such as P/C22M, P/C26M, P/C28M and P/C32M models fitted with an older battery type or rectangular support frame.
Support structures for series 2000 batch centrifugal
Broadbent Sugar Engineering Team. Jan 1997. (30KB). This information sheet describes the general requirements for designing support substructures for Broadbent Series 2000 batch sugar centrifuges having trapezoidal frames such as the P32MT, C32MT, C46 C52 C54 and C58 models.
The development and use of high grade continuous centrifugals
G.C.Grimwood, P.D.Thompson, M.J.Thewlis. (181KB). International Sugar Journal. Vol. 102, No. 1224, Dec 2000. Summary: This paper provides a comparison between batch centrifugals and the HGCC and considers their suitability in refinery and raw sugar applications. HGCC offer reduced capital cost, power demand and operational costs. However they also have disadvantages including high moisture, higher wash consumption and a large load on the downstream dryer. The effects on ancillary equipment both upstream and downstream of the centrifuge are also considered.
Variable and multi-speed batch centrifugal drives
G.C.Grimwood, G.L.Grimwood, G.Hindle. (151KB). International Sugar Journal Vol. 101, No. 1212, Dec 1999. Summary: In this review the latest variable and multi-speed drive systems are compared, their relative merits are evaluated and, where practical, quantified. System, motor and overall energy efficiencies are also examined.
Batch Centrifuge Basket Design.
International Sugar Journal. Vol CXVII No. 1404 Pg 866.
Authors: G.C.Grimwood, A.Ainsworth. December 2015. Abstract: A short overview of batch centrifuge basket design is presented with reference to process performance, efficiency, perforation type, safety and cost. The mechanical loads supported by the basket during normal and out-of-balance operation are discussed. Aspects such as basket perforation type, welds, the use of reinforcing hoops and materials of construction and fatigue life are also considered. The requirements for on-going inspection and maintenance of baskets are emphasised.